Heard of Jeepers Creepers? This show is quite popular when it first aired right?
I didn't know about this show until last year i think. As it was aired at year 2001.. which means i'm only primary 1, haha.
Caught it online, and i think it was wondrous (chey~ finally used a new word instead of awesome/good/great. LOL)!
I like it because it's something different i guess? .. every 23 years.. for 23 days.. it gets to eat.. eat what? go see it to find out! wahahaha. and!!! it just won't die lor.. so damn annoying!!!
Btw they have part 1 and 2.. and i'm hoping there will be another sequel!!
Jeepers Creepers 1 - 4/5 (When i'm watching i will keep wondering what the hell do that freaking monster want.. disgusting weird looking creep.. eeek.)
Jeepers Creepers 2 - 4/5 (For this.. i'll ask the damn monster, can you just freaking die!!!!! How then the monster will really die.. and not just because its time is up..)
Jeepers Creepers (2001, Mystery, Horror)
A brother and sister driving home for spring break encounter a flesh-eating creature in the isolated countryside that is on the last day of its ritualistic eating spree.
Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003, Thriller, Horror)
Set a few days after the original, a championship basketball team's bus is attacked by The Creeper, the winged, flesh-eating terror, on the last day of his 23-day feeding frenzy.
Credits: imdb.com