Caught 'Haunted Changi' ytd with liying. Wanted to watch 'Grown up'/'The king of fighter' but the time slot wasn't what we wanted, so just watched 'Haunted Changi' lor.
The show was quite ok to me! But if it's not because of some childish bastards & bitches, the show will be much nicer. FUCK THEM! You know what? Liying & i sat at the 4th row(tm threate) while behind us was some students(fucking no life, cheapo brats!) which i won't say out their school. They kept commenting on the movie while it's on. Saying what "waste my money!", "fake sia!", "Ahhh~ so scary", "Where got scary sia?!". Fuck you all la! If it's a waste of money, then get out of the threate la? Scared? scared scared la? say until so loud for? Fake? then why you still chose to watch this movie? the movie also never say everything was real what? they only said it is a true footage. of course if you make a video/movie, you'll edit a little so that it will be more thrilling right?
Plus, they don't even know how to understand simple English. We asked them to keep quiet they didn't.. so bo bian, we say "shut the fuck up" they then listened. Wth right? Must ppl say fuck then you'll understand? You ppl(referring to the students) know what, when you're all making those fucking comment, i would really like to say "FUCK BACK TO YOUR MOTHER'S CB AND KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT!" But of course who would do that right?(only those brainless kids will.) I mean their mum didn't agitate me, so i shouldn't pull their parents in uh?
Ok, whatever.. but really leh, those students really.....! Hopefully all those Hungry Ghost would haunt them down. I would like to see the Newspaper coming out "*** students killed. (No reason stated.)" That would really make my day! woots!
So after the movie > Shopped > J.Co > Shopped > Home.