Feel like cutting short hair! Should I? Should I? Should I? Ok, let me decide.. hmmmmmm..
Ok, whatever, i think after my N lvls i will.. hmm.. cut? no? yes? think about it, LOL.
Anyway, i'm so in love with Step Up 3! Oooohhhhhh Singapore! Is there any places where you can find those pro street dances? hmmmm..
Ok, i'm going to be random right now.. ahem, ahem, testing 1,2,3..
Since young, i've been influence by my sissy's CCA, Dance.
What kind of dance i like? I like hip-hop, break dance(i know like tomboy only, but i like!), freestyle, robot(?). Yup.. i know this kind of dance mostly are performed by guys.. but who cares? i mean girls also have the potential to do it right?
So ya.. since K1 or K2(forgot) i did perform dance performance(don't know how to construct this sentence! now my brain super tired.. so can't think well, LOL). So when i'm in primary school.. SADLY there's no hip-hop kind of dance but only Malay, Chinese dance i think.. so ya.. bo bian, didn't join.
But during that few years, friends & i did performed for those mini competition for Dance. (choreographed by my schoolmates).. ya, i like it! even if i have to stay back after school for long practices, i don't mind at all!
Then when i'm in Secondary. Modern Dance is my CCA. At first i thought it was hip-hop those kind you know.. so wouldn't hesitation, i joined. But who knows it's like those ballet ballet kind :( i don't like. I mean.. i join is because of hip-hop you see.. not those.. (don't want conti.. very lazy)
So ya... sometimes the instructor teaches us about hip-hop kind-of-Dance.. i'll be happy :)
SO my main point is I LIKE DANCING! Even if i'm not those pro dancer/'wow' dancer/fast-learner dancer.. i don't care. As long as i use my heart to learn, what can you do? At most i can only try to improve myself right? :D
OK, I KNOW I'M FREAKING RANDOM. BYEBYE! (FYI, not because i watched the movie then i suddenly like to dance one hor... i like dancing since young k! HAHA)