Feeling really scared, worried, disappointed with myself.
I don't even have the confident whether i can promote to sec4 or not.
But i rather promote to be in "T" than retaining! FREAK IT!
Why must the economy be so difficult? No "N" / "O" level cert = no talk, no money........
PSLE cert? What the hell is that for? -.- "useless".
Today was our maths paper 2 & physics.
Maths paper 2 was really confusing! & my time management.... SUCK!
As for physic, it's a fair one i guess? But i don't think i will do well either..
I guess what i will score for my EOY, is what i deserved..
I didn't study hard, that's why.. Serve me right.
Ok, have confident towards myself. & that's what people would say isn't it?
Ok, thanks, but i know my own limits.. Just don't be over confident.
End up, it's you who are crying.