Friday, August 29, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Yesterday, went out with mummy.
We went to watch "Money not enough 2".
Yaya, the show had shown for quite long, but mummy & me now then have the time to catch the movie. Lols -.-
Eh, the show kinda nice & sad la, had being crying while watching. -.-
So after watching the show, i accompanied mummy to buy her clothings.
Then walk walk, went to eat dinner. Bought horror vcd's, then went home. (:
Quite boring though? But relaxing la. Haah.
Hmm, nothing to blog le, byebye.
& i think i'll not blog that often as i'm lazy :D
Friday, August 22, 2008
Today, before going for geography lesson, we saw two girls.
Then Andy go di siao them. Lols. One of the girl put mascara,
Andy : what are you putting girl?
Girl : (don't bother.)
Andy : Oh, its mascala, (he pronounce this way la.) why are you putting ar? I'm goin to tell teacher!
Girl : (Face like wtf? Then she just talk to her other friend.)
Andy : (Looked at her ear) Why is there so many holes?
Girl : Aiya.. go away. (In a hand signal.)
I, Fion & Kaiqin is like laughing so crazy can, Haah!
So after school there is dance, Chenfeng & Fion didn't come as they don't feel like.
But Fangqi, Kaiqin & me went. There's new dances step.
So after dance we slack for awhile, before going home, we went to play rain.
Then we went home. -.-
Some people really not tired of being a "xiao ren" Lamer,
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Hmm, so after school there's dance practices. So tired la -.-
Today, nothing much.
Get home econ's paper back, get 41/50. As teacher did helped us with some questions.
We cooked shegetti. (don't know how spell)
So after school, didn't have dance practice. Chenfeng & i went to Kaiqin's house,
as Kaiqin wanna teach me piano. But i can't really get it la! Keep forget where's the keys.
Aiya, but i'll "nu li" de. (: Her aunt also prepare noodles for us, thanks yeah!
Till 5-6pm plus? Went home. There is two english compo! Argh.
Finished one, but another maybe later then do? Not sure. Lols.
Anyway, some people loves to be a "xiao ren". In english? Not sure yeah?
don't understand nvm then. But anyway, is their problem (:
Childish, grow up la! -.-
Monday, August 18, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fangqi's Smaller didi ; Smallest didi
Yesterday & Today,
150808 ; 160808
Yesterday, School as per normal.
Had chinese paper1 & close passage,
the close passage kinda difficult la -.-
So copied Fion's. Lolzxz, thanks!
Then for the letter writing, so-so la?
40% easy, 60% difficult -.-
So after the paper, went to Fangqi's house.
Her grandfather cooked curry (: Nice la. Thanks yeah?
Hmm, so used her computer, joke around la..
Fion so funny can? As Fangqi have two small brother,
then the smallest brother very cute, so she like talk & ask him a lot of things la.
Then you know what? The didi complained to Fangqi today, saying that Fion very fan!
I'm like laughing like siao la! So cute! Haah!
Okay la, so during some of the period kinda sian, so we took a little pictures.
Today, went out with Chenfeng, Fion, Fangqi & Kaiqin.
Went to study of cause, as Monday is our maths paper :(
Actually meeting them as 1pm, but I was late -.- so they study first la.
Till i reach there then we went to Kaiqin's house to study.
Study, talk & joke la. Not really studying though, but at least i understand some maths
questions. Lols.
As maths only test 3 chapters, so after Kaiqin taught me the 3 chapters,
then we chat around la (: Then after not long, 'momo ren' came to join us la.
Not saying his/her name, as there is a personal reason la. Haahs.
After he/her joined us, we became more 'high' la! We keep saying toot toot things.
Lols, don't understand what i talking? Then nevermind. Haha.
After joking around, we went downstairs to buy food & drinks.
Then came back & eat then study a little bit then joke around again.
We did also gossip about people la, saying all our "fan nao" out.
So, till 9pm plus? Kaiqin & her parent's went to watch movie,
then he/she & Fangqi went home, left Chenfeng, Fion & me.
We went to bedok inter as Chenfeng wanted to buy her facial wash.
After that, went to buy "mr bean" drinks. & we slack & chat.
Till 11pm plus? Then we went home(:
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

This few days I'm having exams la.
Tuesday had started le.
Tuesday ; English
Wednesday ; Geography
Thursday ; Science
Friday ; mother tongue
Monday ; Maths
Argh, stupid exams! I'm so-don't-know how to do la.
For me, Geography so difficult la! :(
But English okok lor? Maybe can pass? Hope so.
Anyway, there is 3 paper more yeah?
Hope the questions will be easy la.
Hmm, so today after Geography paper,
headed to parkway with Kaiqin, Fion, Fangqi, Chenfeng & Jeriel.
Ate over there & then went to "borders" to slack :)
Slack till 5pm plus? Then Chenfeng wanted to go back.
So we all went home.
Tomorrow will be Science paper.
Wish me goodluck la! ;D
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Other days there is nothing to blog about la. Lols.
So I'll only blog about Yesterday & Today :D
Anyway, yesterday is -080808, Friday yeah?
I know a lot of people are aware of it ya?
But the number so cool la! ;d
So yesterday, After school, which ends at 10.30am.
Andy, Jeriel, Jieling, Chenfeng, Kaiqin, Fangqi, Fion & me went out.
To watch movie & eat sakea sushi.
So, we meet at 11.45am at tampines bus-stop.
All of us are late, accept the boys la.
After waiting, we accompanied Chenfeng & Jieling to buy Lip rings.
Then then then, we immediately bought movie tickets.
Actually we wanted to watch "Dark knight" de. But the time slot is not what we want.
So we change to "Money not enough 2".
But then, the person give us wrong ticket, & is the show "The mummy".
So, we went to change, but the person don't allow la! So we just watch lor.
But turn out that the show is kinda nice la! Of cause we enjoy it :D
After the show ended. We Walk walk awhile then went to eat sushi's!
We ordered buffet or cause. Then I ate until dam full can? Until i wanna vomit -.-
Argh. So after eating, we went to arcade & my stomach felt better.
Play for awhile, then we wanna go East coast arcade,
But Andy got to go for swimming -.- So left we 7.
Reached there, play play play. Dam nice & fun of cause! :D
Till 9pm plus we left the arcade & went home.
Of cause we took picture's,
& also video's. Lols! ;D
& anyway, Today i stayed at home & do nothing. Lols.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Lols. Anyway, I'm just lazy & busy to post la. ;x
This few days nothing much la, & i also forgot what had happened.
& my blog is getting boring, paiseh paiseh.
Hmmm, So I'll just blog about today?
Today, hmm, school goes fine.
But lessons is just for you to sleep!
Argh, I'm going to have "panda" eye soon! :(
& today kinda many people pierce their lips.{Don't know why}
I wanted to, but my mummy sure will not let de la. So I'll just dream on. -.-
Bla.. bla.. bla.. Then after school went to tm with Chenfeng, Liying, Fion, Fangqi & kaiqin.
As Chenfeng wanted to buy lips rings. Don't know how say la. ;x
Then after buying her things & other, went to eat.
Then went popular, then don't know le la.
Aiyo, I'm just so lazy to post much. So I'll stop here, paiseh, paiseh!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Sorry for not blogging for awhile.
I'm too busy, lazy & tired to blog la ;x
So I'll not blog so often.
Wednesday ; 300708
I don't really remember what had happened la. ;x
I think during art class, Andy cut his nail to half.
Then draw red & black & pink ink on it.
Wanted to accuse people for breaking his nails.
So our first victim is... JERIEL! Lols!
- Andy walk pass him then knocked on him.
- Said "Ouch" then "scolded" him.
- Jeriel looks soo 'sry'. Lols!
- Wanted to buy plaster for Andy.
- Lastly, told Jeriel that it is fake. Lols.
Ya, its kinda lame, but fun (:
So the joke carry on till recess.
Anyway, the nail blood is kinda real yeah. Lols
Thursday ; 310708
Lessons as usual.
After school had net ball competition again.
When its our turn to play, Fion, two malay girl & me.
Then challenage with our 4 people. Fvck can?
The fvcking 2 malay girls in other team, hit people so pain la!
When they get the ball, they just used their elbow to hit you la.
Then the teachers didn't even foul them. Argh ):O
So after the match, which of cause we lose.
Then Fion & me when to the canteen.
Then saw one of the malay girl, while she was running back to the field,
I said "Run la, don't fall hor!"{in chinese} then she turned back,
& i said "Have talk to you meh?"{in chinese}. Haha! Funny can? Fion kept laughing la!
So after those "joke" we went home..
Friday ; 010808
At last! Sotong not in school le, as she went for course *Claps*
So, today lessons fun la. During chinese class, we went to com lab.
Then do our chinese work. We just copied each other. (:
Then maths lesson, Kaiqin & me & others,
were using PSP :D Fun la. Only when the teacher come,
then we put away. Lols.
After school went for about 1hr of dance practice?
Then went to parkway to eat & slack?
You can't force people to love you yeah?
The more you force them,
the more you'll not get the love you wanted.